Why You Need a Wi-Fi Connection to Monitor Your Solar
By Peter Sutrin, Electrician
Published February 19, 2023

Imagine owning the latest smartphone but not connecting it to the internet. You might be able to take notes and photos or play games, but you’d miss out on emails, social media updates, and a world of information. Now, think of your solar system as that smartphone, and Wi-Fi as the internet connection – it’s the missing link that unlocks its full potential. In this article, we’ll explain why your solar system requires Wi-Fi for monitoring and how it benefits you.

What Types of Solar Monitoring are Available?

Some brands come with their own basic monitoring apps, such as Solar Web (Fronius) or Sems (Goodwe).

There are also third-party monitoring brands that come at additional cost, but also include additional features; examples of these include CATCH Power, Solar Analytics, and Watt Watchers.

Why Wi-Fi Monitoring?

Your inverter can display your current energy production, but it doesn’t offer the ability to track daily changes unless you’re willing to make the trek to your inverter every time you want to check. This is where monitoring comes in, providing you with a much broader perspective of your system’s performance.

Real-time Data: Wi-Fi monitoring gives you access to real-time data about your solar system’s performance. This data includes crucial information like energy production, savings, and system health. Without Wi-Fi, you’d be missing out on these live updates.

Remote Monitoring: Wi-Fi enables you to keep an eye on your solar system from virtually anywhere. Whether you’re on vacation or managing multiple systems, remote monitoring ensures you’re always in control.

Historical Data: Wi-Fi systems store historical data, allowing you to track your system’s performance over time. This historical record helps identify trends and enables better decision-making.

Instant Alerts: Wi-Fi monitoring can be set up to send alerts if issues arise. These alerts act as an early warning system, giving you the chance to address problems promptly, and preventing potential damage or energy loss.

How to Set Up Wi-Fi Monitoring

After your solar installation by Proven Energy, our team will guide you through the process of setting up your solar monitoring. Each monitoring system is different, so our staff will provide you with a link and instructions for registration. You’ll need to provide your signup details to our team to ensure setup can be completed once your solar system is installed. 

How Wi-Fi Monitoring Empowers You

Wi-Fi monitoring goes beyond data tracking; it allows you to make the most of your system in several ways. Not only does it provide you with real-time insights into your solar system’s performance, but it also plays a crucial role in identifying potential issues at an early stage.

Spot Underperformance in Your System: By analysing your Wi-Fi monitoring data, you can quickly identify underperformance issues. Whether it’s due to dirt, shading, or technical glitches, Wi-Fi monitoring helps identify the issue so you can take action.

Track Energy Consumption: Monitoring isn’t limited to energy generation; it also covers consumption. Wi-Fi monitoring lets you track your household’s energy usage over time, helping you make informed decisions to save energy and reduce costs.

A Word on Wi-Fi Connectivity

Your System Continues to Function Without Monitoring: It’s important to note that even if you experience Wi-Fi connectivity issues, your solar system will still operate as usual. Wi-Fi is primarily used for monitoring purposes and doesn’t affect the core functionality of your solar system.

Potential Costs for Wi-Fi Connectivity Issues: In the event of Wi-Fi disruptions caused by your Internet Service Provider (ISP) or other problems with your Internet, there may be additional on-site service fees involved that are not covered under warranty. However, our technicians can often assist you remotely with troubleshooting, and sometimes a simple solution like turning the Wi-Fi off and on again can resolve the issue.

In Conclusion

Think of Wi-Fi monitoring as the essential link between you and your solar system’s data. It’s the tool that empowers you to make informed decisions, optimise your system, and enjoy the full benefits of your solar investment. So, the next time you’re hesitant about connecting your solar system to Wi-Fi, remember—it’s the missing piece of the puzzle that ensures your solar system operates at its best.