

Don’t Get Burnt by Solar Phoenix Companies

Don’t Get Burnt by Solar Phoenix Companies

Don’t be fooled by companies that promise deals on solar, simply because they’re cheap; you may be dealing with a Phoenix Company or a Solar Cowboy.  According to the Australian Taxation Office, a Phoenix Company is one which “is created to continue the business...

7 Reasons Local Solar Installers Are the Best Choice

7 Reasons Local Solar Installers Are the Best Choice

If you’re looking to buy solar for your property, you’ve probably been overwhelmed with options. Whether it’s a telemarketer, a door to door salesman or someone offering you a huge discount to sign on the spot, it’s hard to know how to make the right choice.  Buying...

PIA’s: Is Your Solar Installer Checking Before Installation?

PIA’s: Is Your Solar Installer Checking Before Installation?

Buying solar is a big investment. As with all big investments, it’s important to be sure that what you’re buying is correct for your needs and you’re not paying hidden costs at a later date. Proven Energy always sends a Clean Energy Council accredited and experienced...

Can You Put Solar on an Old House?

Can You Put Solar on an Old House?

If you’re looking at investing in solar, there might be a range of things holding you back. Perhaps the hours you work or the upfront costs don’t seem to make solar a financially viable option.  Many of our customers live in older houses, including old...

Is Solar Worthwhile if You Work All Day?

Is Solar Worthwhile if You Work All Day?

You may have friends or neighbours with solar. You may have even considered it for yourself, but working long hours means it doesn’t feel like a worthwhile investment with so many other things on the budget. Sure, solar may work for your neighbour who is a stay at...

17 Ways to Increase Solar Self Consumption & Loadshifting

17 Ways to Increase Solar Self Consumption & Loadshifting

17 Ways to Increase Solar Self Consumption & LoadshiftingIan, one of Proven Energy's Electricians, installs an LED light into a home.When choosing to install solar, many people have a primary goal of saving money on their electricity bills. Here at Proven Energy,...

12 Questions to Ask Before Buying Solar

12 Questions to Ask Before Buying Solar

If you’re planning to install a solar system, it’s important to be aware of the many shady operators (no pun intended) who’ll quote a cheap initial price then end up costing you money. Here are some questions you should ask before buying solar, so you know you’re...

5 Solar Panel Bushfire Care & Maintenance Tips

5 Solar Panel Bushfire Care & Maintenance Tips

Australia has a rich natural ecosystem but it’s also one of the driest continents on earth. Each year, many areas experience bushfires which impact people, homes and wildlife. Recently, these fires have covered a much larger area, with millions of hectares burnt....

7 Ways You Can Afford Solar Today

7 Ways You Can Afford Solar Today

You don’t have to beg, borrow or steal to get solar panels on your home or rental. With an ever increasing number of options available for every type of house and family, there’s never been a better time to invest in something that increases property value and can...