15 Gift Ideas for the Solar and Renewable Lovers

15 Gift Ideas for the Solar and Renewable Lovers

Are you looking for the perfect gift for someone who is passionate about solar and renewable energy? Choosing a gift that reflects someone’s interests and supports a sustainable future is a  meaningful gesture that will have a positive impact on you both. Below, we’ve...
How to Clean Under Solar Panels

How to Clean Under Solar Panels

Cleaning solar panels is important because dirty glass shades your solar panels, significantly limiting the energy you can produce from your system. Although some panels may easily be cleaned by rainfall, a thicker layer of dirt may require some hands-on scrubbing....
How to Keep the 44c Feed in Tariff (FiT)

How to Keep the 44c Feed in Tariff (FiT)

If you’re one of the early adopters of solar, and you installed your system before 2012, you’re probably on the highly coveted 44c Feed in Tariff (FiT). Not only are you probably covering your bills, but you’re probably getting a nice payout from your electricity...