7 New Solar Trends to Save You Money

7 New Solar Trends to Save You Money

Solar has come a long way since American inventor Charles Fritts created the first solar cell in 1883. It’s still an ever changing industry though, with scientists striving to make panels more efficient, more powerful, and more affordable.  We’ve rounded up some of...
7 Ways You Can Afford Solar Today

7 Ways You Can Afford Solar Today

You don’t have to beg, borrow or steal to get solar panels on your home or rental. With an ever increasing number of options available for every type of house and family, there’s never been a better time to invest in something that increases property value and can...
The 6 Hidden Costs of Cheap Solar

The 6 Hidden Costs of Cheap Solar

The 6 Hidden Costs of Cheap Solar While there are many solar panel installers who are legitimate and work with home and business owners to create a system that has great output and lasts, unfortunately, there are dodgy dealers, too. They sell the cheapest panels at...